Emmett Mulcahy, CPA, CVA

Emmett Mulcahy is a director and is the business valuation service area leader. He assists clients with business valuations for ESOP, estate and gift tax, shareholder buyout, buy/sell agreement and transaction consulting purposes. Emmett works with a variety of clients in industries such as construction, architects and engineers, family limited partnerships, manufacturing, and real estate. He has provided public accounting services at Redpath and Company since 2008.

What Factors Contribute to the Valuation of a Company?

Editor's note: this blog was updated in 2024 with additional resources for business owners.

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How Will the Fed Interest Rate Increase Affect Business Valuations?

June 16, 2022 - On June 15, the Federal Reserve approved an interest rate increase of 0.75%, the...

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Addressing ESOP Valuation Challenges During COVID-19

April 20, 2020 - With the exponential spread of the COVID-19 virus triggering extended governmental...

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The ESOP Feasibility Study is a Transaction Roadmap

February 5, 2020 — The sale of a business is the culminating event for many business owners who are...

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Standards of Value: Recognizing the Differences

November 12, 2019 — Ask a professional a question about the value of your business and most often...

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Business Valuation Approaches: Asset, Income & Market Approach

August 27, 2019 — “What is my company worth?” The road to answering such a simple question is paved...

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The Difference Between Business Calculation & Valuation Reports

August 26, 2019 — If you have ever used a CPA firm for attestation work, you may be familiar with...

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Estate Planning Impacted By Proposed Regulations

September 6, 2016 — If you are in the midst of estate planning and are considering a transfer via...

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